O’Reilly’s have been involved in currency for domestic & international trade since the 13th century, giving rise to the ubiquitous phrase “The life of Reilly”. The digital age requires a new way of doing currency as a method of exchange for trade, investment and business.

Reilly Coin Cryptocurrency.

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O’Reilly’s Money

In January 1447 an Anglo-Irish parliament met at Trim, and created legislation to attempt to ban “Le Money Del ORaylly” (O’Reilly’s Money) without success, due to the economic impact it was having on the English economy. The O’Reilly’s of East Bréifne were the only Irish Kingdom to create and mint their own currency for trading and financing called the ‘O’Reilly’. English Monarch’s Edward III & Henry VI consecutively orchestrated campaign’s to try and stop the growth, power and rise of the O’Reilly’s……


Make it stand out.

Bringing O’Reilly’s money into the 21st Century and beyond with the universal utility cryptocurrency Reilly Coin.